Featuring the Wisconsin & Southern Railroad with exciting train action across their 700 mile rail system. The WSOR is a class II Regional Railroad and this program shows both their southern and northern divisions in action with great road freights, locals and switching. The Wisconsin & Southern operates mainly on former Milwaukee Road trackage that still includes many of their historic depots and a few wig wag crossing signals. In 2011 the WSOR rostered 43 locomotives including diesel models: SD40-2, GP38, GP38-2, MP15AC and E9. Some of the WSOR connecting railroads are briefly shown including the UP, CP and IC&E. Plus there's also a segment on the circus train and a passenger excursion that were both powered by the Wisconsin & Southern's magnificent E9's. Rail footage era primarily 2007-2011.
Running Time: 111 Minutes
Beautiful Color with Live Audio • Narration On/Off Options