Exciting Locomotive Changes on Midwest Regional Iowa Interstate Railroad The Iowa Interstate is one of the nation's largest and most exciting regional railroads. Starting in 2004 big locomotive changes were beginning to take shape across the former Rock Island Rails of the Iowa Interstate. The first generation diesel power that served the IAIS so well for over 20 years was wearing out and needed to be replaced. Between the years 2004 and 2007 the IAIS added thirty 2,000 horsepower locomotives to their roster. The diesels consisted of 22 newly rebuilt GP38-2's and eight SD38-2's. The autumn of 2008 then saw the beginning of a new era on the Iowa Interstate with the arrival of 12 large brand new 4,400 horsepower widecab GE ES44AC's. Plus in 2006 the IAIS took an exciting step back in time when the Railroad Development Corp. purchased two Chinese QJ Class 2-10-2 steam locomotives. You'll see these big steamers powering both passenger excursions and a IAIS road freight. Footage era 2008 - 2009.
Program Highlights Include...
Part One - IAIS GP38-2's and SD38-2's in Action
Part Two - IAIS QJ 2-10-2 Steamers in Action
Part Three - IAIS GE Widecab ES44AC's in Action
Running Time: 111 Minutes
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