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Product ID: 046WC3 Category: Railroad DVD Video

Wisconsin Central
Volume 3 - 'The Central Lines'

Exciting Wisconsin Central Ltd. and their railroad freight train action across scenic Central Wisconsin including the famous WC Valley Line. Plenty of pulpwood and box cars travel this line as WC trains work the state's northern forests to the paper mills of Central Wisconsin. Some of the cities served by the WC on this line include: Mellen, Prentice, Tomahawk, Merrill, Rhinelander, Pembine, Wausau, Rothschild, Junction City, Wisconsin Rapids, and Nekoosa. Also exciting steam powered passenger excursions are featured and powered by WC (C&NW) 1385, SOO 1003, and the D&NM14. Plus the WC's connecting RR's including the Tomahawk Ry, Union Pacific, Wisconsin & Michigan, Nekoosa Paper, GB&W, and C&NW.

Video footage era 1990-2001.

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Regular Price: $29.95
Sale Price: $27.95
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Plets Express
P.O. Box 217
Altoona, WI 54720