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Product ID: 033LSRC Category: Railroad DVD Video

Alcos on the Lake State Railway

Formerly Detroit & Mackinac Railway
The Lake State Railway Company is an all Alco powered railroad that operates on 275 miles of ex-D&M trackage in northeastern Michigan. The Alco diesel models include: S1, RS2U, RS11, RS3M, C420, HR412, M420, and C425M. The exciting LSRC action includes yard switching, road freights, locals, rock trains, freights, and transfers. The diesels are also seen in both D&M and LSRC paint schemes. Plus connecting RR's of Central Michigan, CSX and U.S. Gypsum Mining are also briefly seen.

The video footage era includes years 1993, 1999, and 2000.

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Regular Price: $29.95
Sale Price: $27.95
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Plets Express
P.O. Box 217
Altoona, WI 54720