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Product ID: 037WC2 Category: Railroad DVD Video

Wisconsin Central
Volume 2 - Winter on the WC

The Wisconsin Central Ltd. is the nation's largest regional railroad and this DVD video captures the WC during their ice bound winter months. Trains are seen traveling across the beautiful frozen landscape of Wisconsin and Michigan. The harsh Midwest weather ranges from frigid below zero sunshine to heavy snowstorms. The non-stop Wisconsin Central train action includes: road freights, locals, yard switching, intermodals, log, paper, coal, coke, and taconite trains. All of the WC's diesel models are featured in this program plus a few trains of the CN, UP, and the LS&I. Some of the locations include: Neenah, Stevens Point, Marquette, Little Lake (MI), Junction City, Owen, Chippewa Falls, Superior, Colfax, Stanley, Solon Springs, Hawthorne, and South Itasca.

This video was shot mainly in the winter of 2000 by Bradley A. Plets.

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Regular Price: $29.95
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Plets Express
P.O. Box 217
Altoona, WI 54720